Stanford Mall Kiosk Concept

I was lucky enough to be a part of the initial concept and design team for the new interactive kiosk experience found at the Stanford Mall in Palo Alto. This phase was several weeks of talking, thinking, drawing, flow, and design, all to end up with a single pitch video to sell the idea of the experience.

What I've shown here is a small piece of what is a huge collection of previous designs, starting with the pitch video itself. There's no way I could fit all of the prototypes here, so I've thrown what I could onto this page in loose reverse chronological order. I hope it makes some assemblance of sense.

Client: eBay

Produced by First Person Inc

ECD: Marcello Grande

CD: John Sadler

Design/UX/UI/Experience: Alec Cummings, Leslie Herring

3D: Max Vergeryn